
Amusement parks are also being built using the power of waves

Aaltovoima also provides workers for amusement park construction sites with 15 years of experience.
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Aimo Syrjäläinen sits in the entrance hall of an amusement park ride, giving an interview about his work at the amusement park and his collaboration with Aalto Human Resources Services. The experienced measurer and foreman knows the amusement park like the back of his hand and has been managing construction work for 24 years.


I ask what it's like to work at an amusement park, because hasn't each of us ever wished for such a fun profession? Syrjäläinen, who has already reached retirement age, is spending his last year at work in a somewhat gloomy mood. "This construction site has a homely atmosphere, and the work is always interesting. Working at an amusement park is very different and offers more variety and different challenges than regular construction sites. The workplace has become like a second home," Aimo describes.


Syrjäläinen, who works as a foreman and surveyor, is responsible not only for the construction work but also for recruiting employees for the construction site. Aimo is assisted in the recruitment by its trusted partner Aalto Personnel Services. The long-standing cooperation began in 2009. Through Allo, Aimo's team includes a diverse group of construction professionals. Syrjäläinen considers the partnership with Aalto to be a very good solution to his recruitment needs. "It has been easy to get employees through Aalto, and good employees have come from there. The duration of the work sites varies, and the personnel service has brought relief, especially for short-term personnel needs.” Aimo says.


When working in an amusement park, the reliability of the employees is particularly important, because the most important thing is safety. The work requires special care from both the foreman and the employees. Before the new equipment is put into operation, test runs are carried out, one of which Aimo remembers as a particularly fun day at work. “Building the equipment was an interesting project, and its completion was a particularly great day. I had to sit on the ride myself to test the device, and it was a wild ride.” Aimo recalls.


Use your time to do meaningful work for yourself, and leave the recruitment to professionals who enjoy it. Aalto Personnel Services offers services for your recruitment needs, such as direct recruitment, flexible recruitment, outsourcing and contracting. Whether your needs are for a short-term project or long-term recruitment support, we have a solution for you. Trust Aalto Personnel Services when you want an efficient and high-quality personnel solution. 



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