
Our brand story and promise


Aalto is in our DNA.

Aalto is a positive force of nature, helping you ride toward your dreams. With our wave, you can surf your way to work.

It’s always better to be at the crest of the wave—in our case, the work wave. We are a wave of opportunity that lifts skilled individuals to the top and offers excellent part-time and full-time job opportunities. Jump on the wave!

We are a wave movement for work. When you need skilled workers, we’ll send them your way with the power of the wave.

Our wave rolls nationwide, internationally, and across a wide range of industries.

Or, as they say in London: “Ride the Wave, Get the Job!”

Our Service Principles

  • We are where our customers are.
  • We understand our customers’ business.
  • Our actions are honest.
  • We respond quickly to needs.
  • We care about people.
Powered by the power of the waves

Wave power values

Values ​​guide all our activities.

Succeeding together

At Aaltovoima, succeeding together means that we achieve our goals by working together, supporting and encouraging each other. We believe that shared expertise and joint efforts will take us all further.

Quick response

We are always ready to help and act promptly. Our goal is to respond to every service request and question without delay, ensuring the trust and satisfaction of our customers.

Positive service

For Aalto, positive service means a customer-oriented, flexible and appreciative approach, where both employees and customers are put at the center and the aim is to exceed expectations in every situation.

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