Versatile construction worker for Uusimaa!


Construction workers in Helsinki

We are now looking for versatile construction workers To Uusimaa.

You will have the most common battery tools at hand, you can work with a lift and not just in high places.

We expect you to be ready for gig work in Uusimaa, have your own car and FINISH LANGUAGE SKILLS.

The job is long-term with a good salary, as well as opportunity for contracts.

If you are interested, fill out an application or get in touch!

Aaltovoima Oy is a modern recruitment and personnel leasing company.

The foundation of our operations is reliability and flexibility. The most important Our values are employee well-being and fostering a positive atmosphere in the workplace. Every employee and customer is important to us.

Our staff has a combined experience of decades of recruitment in the construction, logistics, industry and service sectors in the staffing industry. In addition to staffing, our services include flexible recruitment, contracts, direct recruitment and outsourcing.

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